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3 Ways to Convince Google to Index Your Site Faster

Why Wait? Here’s How to Get Your Site Indexed Faster

For the average user, waiting to rank on the SERPs for your choice keywords can take Google an average of 1-2 weeks. If your page is crucial to helping you generate customers, that’s 1-2 weeks that your competitors have the advantage, regardless of how awesome your content, keyword strategy, or header structure is.

So what can you do to convince Google to index your page faster? We’re glad you asked!

Use Google Search Console and the URL Inspection Tool

Most of you may be familiar with submitting your sitemap to Google Search Console.

While this step is the most widely accepted method of indexing your site, there are other tools, such as the URL Inspection Tool, that allows you to submit a URL and ask Google to crawl it. The bots at Google will then place your URL in the priority crawl queue, where it’ll be crawled and indexed much faster than simply waiting.

Recently, a live test that didn’t use either of these methods took 10 days to reach Page 3 for my desired keywords. A week later, it’s sitting at the #2 spot for “snes repair guide,” a search term that doesn’t get a lot of global traffic, but is one that would be used by a niche portion of the retrogaming community. That’s roughly 2 1/2 weeks after I published the article, which I knew would rank highly in the SERPs.

Do yourself a favor, and use the free tools available to you if you’d like to see a quicker turnaround, and possibly more conversions.

Share on Social Media

Plainly put, all businesses should have more than one social media account. Why? Because it not only allows you to be where your target audience is, but also gives you a chance to take advantage of certain websites’ ability to send out signals that Google will understand.

Fun Fact: Did you know that Google can measure traffic using Google Chrome? As anyone who has even a cursory knowledge of SEO would understand, the power of an external link pointing to their site cannot be discounted. The more authoritative the site, the more value the external link carries.

If your company uses Facebook Ads, Chrome can monitor the traffic going to your site, and assign your URL more importance based off of those signals. The same rule applies to Reddit and other content aggregator sites where actual links are posted. The more signals you put out, the more attention Google will pay to your content.

Keep Up On Your Backlink Strategy

Now that you’ve shared your brand new article with your social following and posted it to Reddit, your quest is now over, right? Wrong!

Despite what Matt Cutts may have said about guest posting, authoritative backlinks are more important than ever. If you were to either write an article or convince someone else to write one about your product on Forbes or some other relevant, high authority site, that backlink would generate traffic that you wouldn’t otherwise get from a simple social sharing.

Reddit is great for quick bursts of traffic, but the affect is not long-term. You have to continue sharing your content, such as:

  • via PR methods like reaching out to a content writer from a renowned website,

  • conducting email outreach to webmasters asking for backlinks,

  • updating older content with links to newer content.

That latter point is one that typically can be forgotten about, but is highly valuable. What’s better than making old content fresh again by adding links to new content, thus boosting the signals for both?

Long story short: the more outlets you have pointing to the new content, the more signals Google will receive, getting your URL indexed much faster.

Wrapping Up Post-Publication

Short of conducting outreach and generating new content that points to the new URL, using the free tools mentioned above can help you get indexed by Google much faster than simply waiting.

Even if you have optimized your keyword and header structure strategy (which we talk about here and here, respectively), the traffic won’t come simply because a piece of content exists. There needs to be ongoing maintenance that helps keep your brand on the tip of everyone’s tongue.

The great content may give them a reason to come back, but there will need to be some effort to speak Google’s language via on-page optimization as well as nudging it to index your URL faster.

How Little Egg Solutions Can Help

Do you need help with directing traffic to your new URL? Perhaps an update to your existing content to help send out the fresh signals that Google pays attention to? Little Egg Solutions can help.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business generate leads.