Getting Started with Instagram for Business

Out of all the social media platforms currently available, Instagram is still one of the most popular ones in 2022 for business to reach their target audience. Not only do 90% of users follow at least one business on Insta, but at least 70% also don’t mind viewing ads during videos, which gives business owners who wish to employ ad spend yet another route to engage their core demographic should they choose to. And even if a high ad spend is not on your mind as a business owner, there are a plethora of metrics and tools that can help make tracking user interaction and automating the site easy and approachable, even for fledgling business owners.

So if you are considering using Instagram for your business’s social media platform, here are some best practices you can employ to get the most out of your experience there.

Enabling Insights and Metrics on Instagram

Before getting started, you will need to have either an Instagram Business or Creator account. Once created, the Insights menu is where you will find all of the below listed metrics:

Impressions: How many times your content has been seen.

Reach: How many people are seeing your content.

Engagements per follower: Engagement with content relative to follower count.

Follower growth: Lets you know whether your follower count is trending up or down.

Comments received: How engaging your content is.

Most engaged hashtags: A measurement of hashtag performance.

Referral traffic: How Instagram is impacting traffic to your website.

Instagram Stories metrics: A measurement of how popular and engaging your Instagram Stories are.

Depending on what your business goals are, you will want to monitor these statistics closely and adjust your content strategy accordingly to meet your specific KPIs, whatever they may be.

Instagram Reels May Save You a Platform

With the introduction of Instagram Reels, shortform videos have made their way to the platform, which spells endless opportunities for both creators and small business owners. If you were looking for an eye-catching method of capturing your target demographics attention, you no longer have to jump onto another social media platform to do so.

This can be music to the ears of creative small business owners who may have the time to create content, but not the time to manage multiple social media platforms.

Create and Post Your Online Shop on Instagram

Instagram for Business also gives its users the ability to create and add their own digital storefronts. rather than going through the trouble of setting up an entire complex ecommerce website, small business owners can place their catalog on their Instagram store, shop their brand out to their community, then let their product/service do the rest for them.

With ads that point back to your website helping to drive traffic, Instagram can be an excellent and versatile platform for business owners to advertise their brand.

How Little Egg Solutions Can Help

We are Little Egg Solutions, and we specialize in creating high-quality websites, content, and social media strategies for our clients. When it comes to winning white hat SEO strategies, we have the experience to help your business get on page one and stay there. If you are interested in learning more about our products and services, please give us a call. We would be more than happy to help your little egg grow.